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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • You’re irrelevant IN the big picture, at least with that attitude. Defeatism is everywhere and prevents grassroots movements and is the sign of a weak spirit. I refuse that attitude and stick to the merits of a concept, rather than falling back on a logical fallacy like appeal to majority. Stop doing that, because that’s how you get subjugated, that’s how change is prevented, that is how those in power and influence remain in power and influence. Be the change you want to see.

    EDIT: but yes, i was lost, as i thought i was answering to a comment in my inbox, but I did also find @MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.ml mom - and boy did I meet those potatoes, lemme tell ya.

  • The wOrLd GuBmInTs is such a huge umbrella that it must mean it’ll rain the Atlantic Ocean.

    WESTERN GOVERNMENTS are allowed to go against privacy and encryption because of stupid Karen’s screaming “won’t somebody please think of the children” and old fops going “basically terrorists” and not a single one of them have considered the decentralisation principle as an actual barrier, because their constituency allows it, because their constituency is technically illiterate.

    EASTERN GOVERNMENTS are largely authoritarian. Sorry, world, but I’m not in the mood to piss about here.

    THE GLOBAL SOUTH gets bundled together as well, because no one there has the resources to actually prevent the spread of encryption software, much to the shegrin of western governments, who tried to sanction that shit, but got overridden by people who took a plane ride with aa USB stick.

    Again, PGP over email is still unbreakable and can be used as well, incl with private email servers, or even Matrix servers. You don’t need Telegram or Signal. The “whose next” problem relies on the idea that you and I are the only people who know of these problems, and that’s kind of arrogant.

    M’buru Ufufu is on that plane right now, with tons of encryption software on a USB stick, the UN be damned. UMA LELE, UMA LELE~!

  • It’s not a fight, it’s logic. The world governments can do nothing to OpenWhisperSystems (the makers of Signal), because they don’t store any communication.

    Telegram however thought they were smart, by storing data and splitting that data up in to several different pieces around the world, assuming governments wouldn’t collude together to get it.

    But they didn’t foresee the litigious nature of nation states, and that’s what we’re seeing now. If these nation states also start to collude with one another, everyone who thought they were safe are gonna get fucked.

    Signal does not store any communication data. They only facilitate handshake between clients and the clients manage the data between themselves.

    This is why Telegram isn’t safe, but Signal is.

  • This is why you should be allowed to hack your car, but not only that, reverse engineered firmware should be freely available and open source, because the vendors and manufacturers can’t be trusted… and here’s why.

    TL;DR secret sauce stupid, execs greedy, consumers subjugated, it’s dumb from every angle. Open firmware, NOW!!!

    The excuse for these transgressions against the consumer is this: “certain digital features are premium add-ons, but we need to cut cost in manufacturing. We do this by putting these features in all cars and then put it behind a paywall for those who can afford the extra”…

    Then why not just adjust the pricing for all and give everyone that feature? Because money, that’s why. Revenue stream go brrr. And before you say “developing those features cost money”, remember that the engineer have already been paid, the code is readily available and the physical features are already shipped with the car. It’s an arbitrary cost added for no good goddamn reason other than milking the consumer.

    As it stands, there’s a cottage industry for hacking your own car, outside of the manufacturers power, that also pushes subscription services. In some cases you can’t even change the language of your car, unless you A) bring it in to a service centre and pay a lot for the “privelige”, or B) pay a comparatively nominal monthly fee of like $60 for the access.

    Both cases are horribly stupid and shows how the consumer is being subjugated to such an extent that a straw has been permanently installed into their wallets, with the intent of sucking it dry in every way possible, which to me is solved quite easily:

    Make all firmware for cars open firmware. “But what about security!?” I hear the executives shriek, as they grasp at their straws, hoping it’ll never stop leaking money. To them I say: what are you, IBM in the 70s?

    For anyone whose been paying attention to pentesting - not only for computers , but also for car systems - knows that it’s just another example in a long, long line of examples of why the “SeCrEt sAuCe” fallacy is just that: a fallacy.

    Buying simple, cheap little devices from some eBay seller means you could unlock pretty much every Tesla on the block, because, and this is important: you have no control over the authentication mechanism and the manufacturers have to get on that ASAP as they lobby governments to ban said software and devices, knowing fully well that they’ve now shoehorned it into the black market instead of letting people publicly test these things - which is dumb, because now you have to wait for the manufacturers to get their fingers out of their asses to fix the problem.

    Much like Apple products, you don’t own anything. You pay a one time lease and pray that corporate doesn’t hand down a new spin-up curve for your AC system that’s better in terms of power delivery, because you know they’ll sell it to you for $2k as an “extra add-on”.

    In as much, you have this spiritual corporate valet underling that will open your door for you and enable certain features, if you pay enough. They sit in your car with you, staring into the side of your face, reminding you with certain menu clicks: “you are our little bitch and there’s nothing you can do except give us more money.”

    But if their firmware was publicly available, some Joe Schmoe could give you the same curve, and even give it out for free, because said Schmoe wanted his family to have access to better air conditioning without having to pay the toll. You’d basically be exorcising that spiritual valet back to the planes of hell from whence it came.

    Hey, if you like this, here’s an idea, how about we democratically control these executives homes, their doors, their AC’s, through democracy? I’m sorry Mr Executive, but you’ve pissed off the masses, so now we’re turning off the AC so you have to sweat in your $30m beach property.

    Oh wait, is that suddenly authoritarian?! You don’t say… and what in the blue blazes do you think this is? It’s a physical piece of property. The code should be gratis, complimentary, part and parcel of the sale. If they get to control their property, so should you. I can’t believe we still have to say this aloud.

    In the end car manufacturers have to be stimied and slapped with anti-trust suits and the “sEcrEt sAuCe” fallacy needs to be defeated once more to give consumers actual power and control over their own propertyit’s 2024 already!!! WHY IS THIS STILL A THING?!?!!