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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Obinice@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldPrivacy tool
    28 days ago

    How does this answer the question?

    I’m a little tired of this platform constantly shouting 24/7 about how we should all use Linux all the time, everything else is terrible, etc. Yes Linux is great, I use it a lot, I love it.

    I don’t need it constantly shoved down my throat this way though. I especially don’t need it’s users to act all high and mighty and shame me for daring to still use Windows.

    I know the pros and cons of using both and I use both for various different tasks. When somebody asks a question about Windows, just telling them to switch their entire operating system to Linux without knowing anything about their situation or why they use the OS they use isn’t answering the question, it’s not even trying to answer the question.

    It’s just saying “you’re stupid for using Windows at all for any reason, and I refuse to engage with your actual question or try to help you at all, I’m just here to tell you you’re wrong, your personal life choices are bad and you should do what I do instead”.

    I appreciate how great Linux is, but let’s not try to convert everybody to your way of life at every opportunity. Let people live their own lives and make their own choices, whether you agree with them or not, and if they ask a question, seek to answer it without shoehorning your own agenda in. That’s all I ask <3

  • Any qualms you might have about switching to firefox are either false (firefox is now faster than chrome in lighthouse tests) or Google brainwashing you into thinking your workflows are completely static when you could easily adapt to not having the exact extension you so desperately “need” to work

    Honestly, why are people so uppity, angry even, about other people’s browser choices around here? Heaven forbid someone dare use something other than Firefox. We must be brainwashed!

    The most important aspect of a browser for me currently, besides of course all the stuff both browsers do great already (I love Firefox and would love to swap back to it, I used it for years before Chrome came out), is integrating my Google account at the application level.

    I want all my Google integrations to carry across, and all my search history, maps history, location history and so on to be seamless and detailed across all my devices, and there’s just no other browser that does that right now.

    I wish I could do that in Firefox. Does it mean Google gets to look at what websites I go on? Sure. But their knowing that I browse amateur radio forums and GitHub doesn’t bother me - it probably helps refine my search results, even. Handy!

    Google is evil and capitalist and they don’t have my best interests at heart, but I use android, I’m in their ecosystem and I mostly like it, I like all the Google apps, I like how they work and how much easier it makes my life vs not using them, or using lots of random disparate apps made by many different people that don’t have a shared design ethos, or the same level of quality across the board, and now my data is spread across many places instead of just one, etc.

    Sure, I could get an off grid Tomtom GPS for example, but Google maps works so much better, is so much more accurate and less fiddly and time consuming, and does so much more.

    I do love firefox though, it rocks. I just wish people would dial back the soapboxing about how everyone should be using it and if you’re not then you’re making some sort of grave awful stupid mistake because you’re a brainwashed idiot… it’s getting tiring :-(

  • The device only gives easy access to already extremely weak/non existent security systems. That’s literally it.

    It’s just something that’s existed forever, but put into a convenient package and marketed well enough that suddenly normal people are realising how insecure their electronic systems actually are.

    Kinda like how they used to make pacemakers hackable because they never thought to add any security at all. I bet many of them still don’t.

    Anyway, the issue lies not with this device, which can’t “hack” anything with any actual security, the issue is with manufacturers making devices that literally leave the door wide open to anybody with an extremely basic electronic sniffer/cloner device.