• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • 1000% agree.

    As a software dev, I’m using windows and I know I shouldn’t switch.

    Tbh it’s even worse, I can not switch. And that’s why it’s even more ridiculous. Linux power users like to say that you can do everything you can in windows but with more control. And with “control” they are right, but with “everything” more than wrong. Everything that’s not working out of the box is a gamble on time wasted getting said thing to work. For the simplest thing you can be stuck for weeks just by sheer bad luck.

    Say you are a software dev? Yeah Linux is pretty solid.

    3d artist? Meh. Blender is the last thing that works, otherwise you are stuck. Octane, 3ds max, Maya, c4d, Houdini, v-ray, real flow, … You gotta be lucky to find them to be compatible even if it’s only with a workaround.

    Music production? Well you are stuck on LMMS, which is basically only used by very specific experimental artists. Also plugins, especially those with copyright protection will give you one hell of a hard time.

    Images? Well gimp is not Photoshop if we’re honest, and stuff like coreldraw is also hard to replace on Linux.

    Video cutting? You have to carefully tip toe about everything Adobe, and that’s an awful hassle. And because everyone would love to give Adobe the middle finger, we are slowly realizing how hard it is to replace Adobe and that if you go somewhere, it is not working as well by default, you have to really make it work.

    And especially in big enterprises time is money. So every time someone thinks about where to migrate to, how to migrate, or when they are migrating, and than when they have to propose new workflows, new solutions, a bunch of workarounds, maintenance pipelines, etc. it’s just not worth it. Not on a big company scale, and unfortunately also not on a me scale.

    At the end of the day, an OS is a tool to me, not a lifestyle choice, a hobby or a commitment. And it shouldn’t be. As long as Linux is at least 2 of those things for everyone that’s not using it, it’s not very compelling to switch. And that goes for every distro.

    Btw. this is the reason why I can understand people using apple over windows. Yeah it’s 1000 bucks to take like 20min less to do a thing. But it stacks up exponentially with every device that integrates into Apple’s universe. And if you spend even 20min less per day, that’s already more than 2h per week that you now have to dedicate to other things.

    I’m not rich and this doesn’t entice me, but I get it.

    So yeah, make a distro that’s not only modular and expendable,but make it also very easy to understand and make it as easy. And make it either as compatible with Windows software or add those features in a different way. And then people like me can dream about a FOSS universe for everyone.

  • Yes and people sell Linux to my like “either it works out of the box or it takes like 1google search” and that’s polar opposite from my longer experience on Linux.

    For work I had to set up an Ubuntu VM. Ubuntu is one of the most stable OS variants. But: it literally started throwing system application errors after 2h from a fresh install. We thought it was a one time thing or that we did something wrong so we tried again. The OS disk image was official and our VM Software was Virtual box. Both are supposed to be stable. And still, the OS started crying 2h in every time.

    Or another time where I had to find scanner drivers and I lost it. 5h of searching and tinkering, I had to rewrite scripts I found which didn’t work, had to add package manager repositories to my system, and try to look for 15y+ old forum posts which get very technical but also not really in depth. For a fucking scanner.

    And then that time aI wanted to install some software (I think maybe Skype) from the official Ubuntu store. But it just wouldn’t work. Everyone else apparently had no issues online. Everyone except for me. Tried to install it through downloading an archive and when that didn’t work I installed it through the terminal apt-get. It still wouldn’t work iirc.

    Or that time I had an Ubuntu VM for like half a year and applications started to hang and the system started getting random issues.

    Or that time Linux system just threw errors on every system upgrade (same happened to updates).

    This is a reoccurring thing and this toxic Linux positivity will only make more people mad when things are not as promised and they realize they are fucked.

  • Yeah wtf

    • Try producing decent music on Linux: run into issues with DAWs and plugins.
    • try 3d anything more advanced on Linux: any fluid or gas simulation gets annoying real quick (real flow, Houdini, vray, octane)
    • try layouting / handout design on linux: yeah let’s hate on Adobe (and I do think they deserve it) but let’s also realize most of the industry runs on their tools and Linux makes it complicated

    Either you sacrifice money and freedom, or you sacrifice time and sanity. And I’m sorry, if I wanna do multiple of those things there’s no way around mac or windows. I wish it was different, but it isn’t and we gotta be realistic here.

    And yes I see y’all shouting that there’s a way for all of those things through workarounds but: for every one of those that works for me, there just as many that don’t work, than just as many that restrict me in different ways, just as many that require documentation that I have to pull out of my ass cause it’s not online, and just as many that make me look for the toenail of a harpy and sauron’s tears to work.

    Linux is not a direct alternative to windows, but it’s a lifestyle and a commitment and I’m not out here trying to make it my personality, I want software to work in less than a month of me deciding to install it.

    I can see the down votes rolling in on this but I’m tired of ppl selling their lifestyle instead of their OS.

  • I wouldn’t even say it’s men being stupid for the most part (everyone is stupid sometimes of course) but most men are having anxiety or other social problems AND a lot of them are afraid they come off as a creep. Unfortunately it’s usually the ones that will almost never be creepy, but that’s just how it is.

    So yeah I totally agree, being direct is good, and also trying to pay attention to what men do over what they say, because we find the worst ways to express the best things often and that shit can be confusing. If you’re not sure, you can always revert to directly asking them and most men will be honest.

    But yeah, seems like there’s a slow shift from men actively pursuing over to the whole thing being genderless. Some people are pursuing, and some are being pursued. I think it’s a good change, because no matter the gender, usually the way to pursue someone is very similar and I think all the gender roles in all of this just enforce traditions that cease to be healthy.

  • I disagree. People like this will put any of their own gain above their morality. And if we look at this rationally, sure at first that means you will start living comfortable. But if everyone does what you do, the world around you would suck. And I’m sorry, I don’t want the world around me to suck, even if I have to sacrifice some potential gain for that.

    And this is why, even as a completely egotistical asshole, your goals should be noble, even if only for your own sake.

    And this is also why no one should promote lying if there’s not a damn good reason. This is not a damn good reason.

  • I mean this stuff does not incentivize me to invest money in this project. Idk if it’s a bug but that stuff was really annoying and for no reason.

    I do like this app, this is why I made the post, but you can’t make me buy the app when I just had bad experience wth it. Makes no sense to me whatsoever. If I buy it, it should be for positive reasons, not negative reasons.

  • in full compliance with the letter and the spirit of copyright law

    That is some real semantic acrobatics. The law is supposed to follow societal norms and reflect boundaries accordingly. Yeah, AI laws take time, and obv there hasn’t been enough legislation done. That said, the EU for example already has a law for AI but the member states need to adapt that into national laws now.

    There is law here. And even though I’m sure what they are doing rn will be illegal or at least very heavily regulated in the future, they might be doing something illegal today. Depending on how eager governments are to litigate, this might already get dicey in the coming months.