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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I recognise the waste in waiting time, but I also think we are still increasing productivity more than enough to make up for it.

    Personally I solve it by multitasking harder. Whenever there is a waiting time for a download or other stuff I simply start doing something else. I’m not going to waste my life watching loading bars for a living.

    I don’t think increasing user-friendlyness is a good solution. It’s pretty much what caused the issues to begin with. Every time Windows or the apps make something more user-friendly it always results in more buttons to click and more updates to keep up.

    I also spend an unreasonable amount of time just rearranging the windows in comparison to back when apps had keyboard-only GUIs with functions layered in different pages or tabs. I obviously don’t think that is a good solution today either, but it goes to show that the bloated operating system has a lot of the blame.

    Say you want to do something simple like renaming a file, you’ll need to open an app to show the folders and files and also 100 different functions that are of no use for the specific task, position and scroll it where it’s visible, navigate by mouse or keyboard and then do whatever you wanted. My point is that just operating the operation system is something that requires 10s of seconds over and over again every day. There’s a long way from thought to execution for the simplest task.

    The good thing is that it enables a lot of people to do so without any training at all, so maybe that makes up for it in total.

  • It’s almost as if the generation that taught us to “decide with your heart”, “do what you love”, “you can be everything you dream of”, etc.etc. has suddenly decided to focus and rule the world by irrelevant talking points instead of staying true to their own beliefs and teaching.

    I hope that whatever happens in the next decade at the dying breath of that generation will not set the precedent for following inhabitants of this planet. I, being gen-x, am doing as much as I can to enable people to younger than me to have better opportunities than I ever had. (Union stuff.)

    The difference being that I acknowledge that younger people are more capable. My parents generation never understood that. They still cling to the belief that age equals wisdom. Maybe their parents taught them that. There is some truth to it, but he cutting point is a lot lower than they believe. The peak of capability is probably closer to 25 than 80…

    Edit. Anyway. The world depends on the American election. Mostly because the world needs USA to be successful in order to maintain a stable balance in world politics. The last Trump period was basically what fucked it up in the first place and I have no expectations of it being any better at a second term, on the contrary.

    Please vote for Biden. Sure, he’s old (please attend to primaries next time…) and Hillary was too, but Trump is still the most senile of them all. I get it. It was funny to vote in some jackass to stir shit up, but that’s not really what happened. All he achieved was to play golf and let radical idiots run the place down…

    It’s not even about the talking points. He spits in every direction, so it doesn’t even matter. He will not fulfill any of the most modest expectations of any of the talking points whether or not you agree with them. He’s going to play golf and let random asslickers run the place, again. That’s not democracy.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoMemes@lemmy.mlThe "xylo" is greek for wood
    19 days ago

    A xylophone has wooden bars.

    A marimba is a xylophone with resonator tubes.

    A glockenspiel is a xylophone with metal bars.

    A metal marimba is a marimba with metal bars (or a glockenspiel with resonator tubes).

    A vibraphone is a metal marimba with a motor spinning a disc inside the resonators which can create a vibrato and it has a damper (sustain pedal).

  • I’m not sure what the typical explanation is, but a transistor is not a wire.

    A wire is a conductor. It conducts electricity from end to the other.

    A transistor is a semi-conductor device made from semi-conducting materials, so it conducts electricity between 2 ends with a variable electrical resistance. This variable can be controlled by putting voltage on the third leg. This way a transistor is basically a resistor with a variable resistance, which unlike a resistor is also controllable by a third input.

    This ability is a property of the material. It cannot be constructed by a regular wire.

  • Sure that would be a solution too. An airship would have an advantage in not using energy to stay up, so it could theoretically fly very long distances with heavy weight, where drones would need constant energy depending on both the weight and distance.

    I’m not saying it is a good idea in practice, but theoretically it might make sense.

  • It’s pointless but harmless hobby. At 19 he could use his money for a lot worse things. He could also use them better, but why?

    The idea that personal finances should always be optimised for the best possible future outcome is sickening to me. What’s the point in that grind? To eventually have more money for … more pointless hobbies? If so, then he already won the game by being able to enjoy a pointless hobby at the age of 19.

    It’s a good time to do it too. It’s only getting more difficult and less enjoyable the older you get. Life shouldn’t be so serious. Let the kids play as long as they can. People get mentally old because they stop playing.