arran 🇦🇺

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2023


  • Moved from Gentoo to Ubuntu in 2008 as I needed to focus more on my job, moved back to Gentoo in 2022. Snaps were part of it, but really the lack of maintenance and vision around the apt repository was really the issue. More and more I was installing stray debs, or having to use flatpaks / AppImages for what what I wanted the system to manage for me.

    Not that I’ve entirely stopped using flatpaks or AppImages, but the process of creating an ebuild is far simpler than trying to do anything with a deb. For a while I had hope about the ppa, however that became fewer and fewer. I do think that the battle to have a comprehensive software repository is a loosing one because of the way things are currently structured.

  • I asked chatgpt to write a go program for this, this looks roughly correct (I have used both libraries before) obviously this won’t be enough for your particular use case. I imagine you can integrate an RSS feed to your site, however if you’re using something like hugo perhaps output it as a csv.

    Super low effort but a good start I think:

    package main
    import (
    	git ""
    	rss ""
    const (
    	timeout = 5 // timeout in seconds for the RSS feed generation
    // Repository represents a git repository with its URL
    type Repository struct {
    	URL string
    // Repositories is the list of git repositories
    var Repositories = []Repository{
    	{URL: ""},
    	{URL: ""},
    	// Add more repositories here
    // FetchLatestTag fetches the latest tag from a git repository
    func FetchLatestTag(repoURL string) (string, string, error) {
    	// Clone the repository to a temporary directory
    	dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "repo")
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
    	_, err = git.PlainClone(dir, true, &git.CloneOptions{
    		URL:      repoURL,
    		Progress: os.Stdout,
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	repo, err := git.PlainOpen(dir)
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	tags, err := repo.Tags()
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	var latestTag string
    	var latestCommitTime time.Time
    	err = tags.ForEach(func(ref *plumbing.Reference) error {
    		tag := ref.Name().Short()
    		commit, err := repo.CommitObject(ref.Hash())
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		if commit.Committer.When.After(latestCommitTime) {
    			latestCommitTime = commit.Committer.When
    			latestTag = tag
    		return nil
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	return latestTag, latestCommitTime.Format(time.RFC1123Z), nil
    // GenerateRSS generates an RSS feed from the latest tags of the repositories
    func GenerateRSS() string {
    	feed := rss.Feed{
    		Title:       "Latest Tags from Git Repositories",
    		Link:        &rss.Link{Href: ""},
    		Description: "This feed provides the latest tags from a list of git repositories.",
    		Created:     time.Now(),
    	for _, repo := range Repositories {
    		tag, date, err := FetchLatestTag(repo.URL)
    		if err != nil {
    			log.Printf("Error fetching latest tag for repository %s: %v", repo.URL, err)
    		feed.Items = append(feed.Items, &rss.Item{
    			Title:       fmt.Sprintf("Latest tag for %s: %s", repo.URL, tag),
    			Link:        &rss.Link{Href: repo.URL},
    			Description: fmt.Sprintf("The latest tag for repository %s is %s, created on %s.", repo.URL, tag, date),
    			Created:     time.Now(),
    	var rssFeed strings.Builder
    	if err := feed.Write(&rssFeed); err != nil {
    		log.Fatalf("Error generating RSS feed: %v", err)
    	return rssFeed.String()
    func main() {
    	rssFeed := GenerateRSS()

  • There are several ways of doing this, but you have to be wary of how grub is configured to boot off the disks, and how your /etc/fstab is configured.

    The simplest way probably is to just put the old ssd in a USB case, boot off a live usb/cd, then dd the disk (make sure you do it the right way around or there will be tears), then reboot. There are a couple ways this could fail still depending on config, but you can always put the old disk in if it does. Then once you’re in the system you can use tools like parted/kde partition manager to resize the volumes once decrypted. – And you will have your old disk as a backup the entire process.

    If you want to get more comfortable with this type of work install arch / gentoo and you will learn more of the underline processes making you more confident.

  • This. However from about the release of knoppix and ubuntu things started looking and feeling a lot more like they are today. – I credit that to Knoppix for X & filesystem work and Ubuntu for setup and everything desktop.

    So even though late 90s it was tough, it was nothing like mid 90s. But by around 2004-2005ish the install and setup was substantially easier however the reputational damage still exists to today.

    I remember spending a lot of time in XFree86 config files, re-configuring it trying to figure out what works best on my monitor, and then the migration to XOrg. All good times.

    There was however a substantial amount of hype around Linux. It wasn’t quite what it is with AI. But you couldn’t read a magazine without encountering it in some way, but it was the type of hype were everyone knew of it but few people had anything to do with it.

    Another thing that hadn’t been mentioned is that there was a new distribution cropping up every day or so. (It felt like at least.) But this seems to back up that statement: