archomrade [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • It cannot be that profitable to have just a bunch of random data on their servers. I have so much junk and random bullshit on my drives, it would take a week of labor just to clean my shit well enough to use it for AI training and as soon as I got any notification about cloud space being full i’d turn syncing off - i sure as hell wouldn’t fork over any money for a subscription. This is such a big bridge to burn, and the server overhead must be massive… I just don’t understand how they could possibly think this is a good business decision.

    Idk, maybe i’m just too deep into privacy/FOSS/selfhosting headspace to see things clearly from the normal-consumer standpoint but I just do not understand this. I really wish someone would leek an internal conversation at one of these companies that explains the big-picture strategy with this move.

  • “i feel like you’re being combative, you’re not engaging with what I’m saying. Makes me think you’re just here to be an asshole”

    [Doesn’t engage the content, lobs insults, ‘he did it first’]

    “I can see why you might have been banned”

    “What do you mean I’m being totally reasonable?!”

    There’s something about this format that just feels good, ya know? Like I’m invisible to criticism. I wonder why more people don’t use it

  • Knowing what you’ve made is different to understanding what it does.

    Agree, but also - understanding what it does is different to understanding how it does it.

    It is not a misrepresentation to say ‘we have no way of observing how this particular arrangement of ML nodes respond to a specific input that is different to another arrangement’ - the best we can do is probe the network like we do with neuron clusters and see what each part does under different stimuli. That uncertainty is meaningful, because without having a way to understand how small changes to the structure result in apparently very large differences in output we’re basically just groping around in the dark. We can observe differences in the outputs of two different models but we can’t meaningfully see the node activity in any way that makes sense or is helpful. The things we don’t know about LLM’s are some of the same things we don’t know about neuro-biology, and just as significant to remedying dysfunctions and limits to both.

    The fear is that even if we believe what we’ve made thus far is an inert but elaborate rube goldberg machine (that’s prone to abuse and outright fabrication) that looks like ‘intelligence’, we still don’t know if:

    • what we think intelligence looks like is what it would look like in an artificial recreation
    • changes we make to its makeup might accidentally stumble into something more significant than we intend

    It’s frustrating that this field is getting so much more attention and resources than I think it warrants, and the reason it’s getting so much attention in a capitalist system is honestly enraging. But it doesn’t make the field any less intriguing, and I wish all discussions of it didn’t immediately get dismissed as overhyped techbro garbage.

  • Look, I get that we all are very skeptical and cynical about the usefulness and ethics of AI, but can we stop with the reactive headlines?

    Saying we know how AI works because it’s ‘just predicting the next word’ is like saying I know how nuclear energy works because it’s ‘just a hot stick of metal in a boiler’

    Researchers who work on transformer models understand how the algorithm works, but they don’t yet know how their simple programs can generalize as much as they do. That’s not marketing hype, that’s just an acknowledgement of how relatively uncomplicated their structure is compared to the complexity of its output.

    I hate that we can’t just be mildly curious about ai, rather than either extremely excited or extremely cynical.

  • Hey if you find value in paying a subscription go nuts, I won’t throw shade

    but i used spotify for almost 15 years. Averaged out to $8 a month that’s more than $1400, and how much of that music do you think I own?

    You can do what you want with your money but I’m not paying another dime to subscription streamers. For discovery there’s still radio and youtube and ad-supported streamers, and I still find new artists at music festivals and local venue concerts all the time.

    Spotify is a solution in search of a problem.