2003 year old furry open source enjoyer, graphic design, ui/ux design, inkscape, gimp,xfce,he/him/they/them/xe/xem, gay!!
woa cool thanks!! yea flac is awesome but i use ogg and opus for audio files, actually i think opus is the one youtube uses for their vids and stuff
i just liike it to be simple yep
i should have googled it first right?? umm thanks a lot!!!
yep you are right then, actually technically mac os is open… just not all of it!!!
to me none!! i like ubuntu a lot and specially xubuntu
thanks bro, it’s from a yet to be released videogame called billie bust up, i think it’s pretty awesome!!! it’s got cool music
let’s go!! graphic designers using linux uniteeee, my photography class teacher was pleasantly suprised when i told her about this software and how it’s very similar to “lightroom” by adobe, yea it’s great, i’ve been using it for class and for photo editing