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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Isn’t manipulating and preying on the gullible the main way that religion causes harm?

    Gulliblity isn’t binary. I’d argue that those buying into organized religion are more gullible than people who identify as “spiritual.” If I asked you to rank people from least to most gullible based only on their religion, would you not rank a person that considers themselves spiritual but not drawn to a particular church higher than a member of a pentecostal church that regularly attends faith healing events?

    Finally, this part is anecdotal but, the majority of people I know that consider themselves spiritual but not religious are people that attended one or more churches for a while but questioned or took issues with parts of those churches teachings. They may believe that there is some form sky daddy watching over us but, by they have displayed a degree of critical thinking. I can’t present concrete proof that sky daddy isn’t real so, as long as they aren’t using that belief to cause harm, I see no reason to immediately distrust someone simply for considering themselves spiritual.

  • Lol, yes I do know that. I’ve spent quite a few US dollars on drugs myself.

    I really was just joking. I’m not judgemental about privacy, drugs, or most things really. I also realize that ALL money is fake money that only has value because we have agreed that it does. If the topic had been short term rentals instead of crypto, I’d have made an “illegal hotel chain” joke instead.

    Also, If I offended you I’m sorry. I hope you have a good night (or day if you live far away from me).

  • “Fake money for drug dealers” is just a general crypto joke from a meme I saw here on lemmy. It just so happens that the flavor of fake money that you fell in love with actually is for drug dealers.

    You’ve got me curious now though. It’s apparently important to you to keep the details of your grocery purchase completely private and that’s totally fine if it makes you happy. I don’t need to understand it to accept it. What I want to know is how far do you go to protect that privacy? Do you give Instacart your neighbor’s address? Do you use a fake name?