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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Autonomous cars really will be a fucking nightmare for traffic and I don’t think people understand this. Traffic is one of the biggest reducers of car trips, it’s why induced demand is a thing. People avoid trips if they don’t want to deal with the traffic and people pay for expensive parking to avoid driving around looking for a cheap spot.

    Autonomous cars would enable so many trips that would otherwise be avoided. Don’t want to look for parking? Your car will do it. Don’t want to sit in traffic for 30 mins to get to the grocery store? You can watch youtube while your car drives you. Don’t want to take your kid to a friends house? The car will drive them.

    EVs are not going to solve climate change and autonomous cars are not going to fix traffic. These problems are only solved by reducing car dependency and the faster people suck it up and accept that the faster we actually start working on solutions instead of tech bro nonsense that only solves the problem of how to concentrate even more wealth in the 0.1%.

  • Honestly I’ll defend TF2 loot boxes til I die. There are valid complaints as far as casual gamers go but as someone who played the game for thousands of hours the cosmetic system added a lot of longevity to the game. It was a fun ecosystem to engage with and compared to modern games where you spend $15-20 on a single cosmetic item it was an absolute bargain. If you got tired of an item you could trade it for something else too.

    Idk maybe I just got indoctrinated but I have so many positive memories of that game and interacting with the cosmetic system. These days every game you play is shoving their store front in your face. Every cosmetic is $20 and if you don’t buy it now it’s lost forever. Don’t want to spend money? Ok here’s an “event” where you need to play the game 2 hours a day for a week to unlock some meh items and if you don’t then fuck you those items are gone forever.

    Sorry I’m ranting.