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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Or if you’re someone who uses speech to text on your phone. Nearly every system that I’ve ever used asterisks out everything after the first letter. It can be a lot of extra effort to go back and fill the fucks in. But if there’s one fucking thing worth doing fucking right. Fucking filling out those fat fucking fucks is fucking it. It’s one of the most fucking versatile words on the planet. It can be a fucking adjective, one of the most versatile verbs no matter what fucked up tense you choose, and even a motherfucking noun.

  • Wow I’m surprised you even admitted your dishonesty. Leninists usually don’t do that ever. They’ll die on the hill they’d made for themselves rather than adjust their beliefs or admit fault.

    You could have just said that without making shit up and being dishonest. I know the reason you didn’t. But you could have done that. The reason you didn’t though. You did not give any evidence. You cited two correlations and called it a causation of a separate 3rd thing with no evidence. There is as much evidence to support my statement as there is the support yours. Make of that what you will. But don’t go trying to convince anyone that you have any facts or evidence LOL.

    Over the last century the United States has pushed a lot of propaganda at home and abroad that is a fact and I never disputed it. They aren’t alone on that either. I just think it’s hilarious that people think that just automatically translates into the online space. They’ve been shit at it. And on their back foot the whole time. The internet has poked more holes in it than everything before it. And they are far more vulnerable to foreign misinformation themselves then their modern contemporaries.

  • That’s non sequitur. And doesn’t really even pass basic critical thinking tests. The government which has outsized control of all television radio and print media in the United States. Is really spending that much time and effort to propagandize to Americans on an international platform already heavily skewed fascist and right wing? Just because they ran ML off doesn’t mean it was some sort of government psyop. A lot of people even on the left. Don’t like Marxist leninists for good reasons.

    Social media is one of the current best vectors for finding influence in the United states. If the US government really is using it to propagandize the people. They’re doing such a poor job of it I don’t think we really have anything to worry about from our governments propagandizing at all.

    Nearly half the American voting population has a more favorable outlook on a foreign fascist dictator than they do our own president. And a large chunk of that current government is actively seeking to hurt American Allies and destroy the country’s power at large. Talk about a propaganda fail.

    No the more likely explanation is that they’re pissing against a tide of a foreign misinformation. And having just about as much success as pissing against the ocean.

  • Well that and the story while not “wrong”, is definitely hyperbolic. The author even stated after stating that Google killed XMPP that they didn’t. So which is it? I’m not a dev, but an avid open source fan. i first tried Linux in 1995. Started using jabber itself in 1999 through Gaim. Later pidgin and psi clients in 2001-2. There were a ton of problems beyond Google. As far as clients were concerned there was no reference version. And there really were no large professionally run servers like mastodon.social or lemmy.world. People, myself included put too much hope in the Google basket. It was a massive unearned win in user count. That was just as easily lost. And kept people from focusing on the core service. Yes Google was never a good steward. Corporations never are. But the lack of official clients and servers, plus their decision to persue IETF standardization had as big or bigger impact on the services development and adoption.

    The moral of the story isn’t that Google or anyone else can kill an open source project. Microsoft Google and many more have tried and failed. The moral is that we shouldn’t cater to them or give them special treatment. They aren’t the key to success.