anon is too smart for the quicktime event
anon is too smart for the quicktime event
time to block me because not voting for biden increases the ods of trump getting in office
i agree but voting 3rd party is the same as nit voting because you only have 2 realistic options which makes it more likely for trump to become president than if you voted for biden (also fuck tankies)
my guy megabytes of executable binary are just about as usable as a cpu try reverse engeneering more 1s and 0s than you’ve ever read into something usable when you dont even know how it converts into assembly and logical operations because you lack the architecture knowledge of a cpu
blessed be the white magic that reoies not on corruption of the elements
bro literraly said no ubuntu you canonical shill
theres a subreddit called iam14andthisisdeep thats full of weird stupid takes that oversimplify stuff
it wouldn’t* because the connections to the parts would still have wires which would fry the lil guys
true but still
minix is the end of user privacy
just know @PhatInferno people are watching and reading and judging this very comment of yours
i feel this on a spiritual level lol (not virgin v chad but talking to ppl and making normie friends)
this wasnt an explaining answer in any way to the guy Buddha is just an ass
Alpine* btw artix is basically just less supported arch
i hate loudness eq purely because its there wenn i dont want it and not there when i do because its often done in the bacground without a toggle