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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • Being an incel is a choice

    It’s short for “involuntarily celibate”, though.

    Although I guess identifying with those words is the choice you’re talking about

    aren’t mentally ill. The most generous descriptors I could give them is that they’re either misguided, brainwashed, or both.

    I’d argue that their brains are at a state of did-order, be that due to someone having pushed propaganda on them or not.

    Some people are less capable of being critical of their own thoughts. For example, young children are very impressionable. Lots of people grow out of it. Lots of people don’t.

    If I harassed you with say, targeted ads and some videos I made on YouTube, it could definitely make you stressed out, thus me having affected your mental health.

    Now being a racist because you grew up in a small racist/sexist/homophobic town or something might not be the exact same thing, but the point I’m trying to make is that their wrong choices — like “choosing” (I use quotations because it’s not exactly a conscious choice people make, although displaying those attitudes definitely is) to be racist or transphobic or whichever kind of bigot — are a symptom of the disorder they’re having.

    That disorder usually being amathia, willfull ignorance.

  • Only to be CEO of a massive capitalist company.

    I’ve heard a few tales of some CEO’s (of very small companies) here in the Nordics actually being generous to their employees. Like it’s most definitely a rarity, but I believe it is possible.

    Like a CEO who values profits but values employees and paying their fair share more and isn’t blinded by greed and addicted to money. A socialist, literally. A market socialist, but a socialist nonetheless.

    Everyone could have their basic needs met, and we could still have rich people. Just not filthy rich, not “rich-to-the-point-no-one-else-has-anything” rich.

  • Afaik, high internet speed requires higher frequencies and high frequencies reach less far + have less penetration through/around obstacles. That’s what makes providing “4g” virtually everywhere easy (good enough for phone calls at least), but if they want to provide actual high speeds everywhere, then it suddenly becomes not so easy (nor cheap).

    Why are you putting “4g” in quotes? It is 4g. Basic cellular networks cover the entire country, and using 4g speeds has been common for a long time. Hell, back when I was in the army, I had a laptop with a mobile connection. It was 3g back then, but it worked, even from the deepest of woods we were in.

    The terrain of Finland probably makes this easier for us, as this is a rather flat country. We have literally no mountains. A few fells (=large hill, essentially) , but no mountains.

  • I wish I had a good answer, but I don’t, really.

    Probably a combination of just providing a service and having good technology to do so and companies which want to sell said technology, I guess?

    Everyone enjoys the internet. I might be assuming, but the sort of “if you want services, move to a city” sort of rhetoric that might exist somewhere in the US doesn’t really exist for us Finns. We understand wanting to live in the middle of the woods while still having access to basic services.

    The Northern part is very sparsely populated, yeah (well not compared to some other places in the middle of huge states in the US but) something like two people per square kilometer, but rural living is pretty common throughout the country, so the whole country understands the need for them, perhaps?

    Also, I think a lot of the towers are older towers for just 2g, going back from GSM to NMT, those towers always just being updated with newer technology, again perhaps? (I’m too lazy to research this now.) And the need to have just cellular networks to be able to call emergency services if you’re lost deep in the woods has always been a pretty high priority, I think?

    The only places you maybe can’t get cell reception in Finland are some places in the middle of a few national parks in Lapland.

  • I remind you that it’s the remaining 3% of the country, physically. It’s not 3% of the population. It’s just some places in Lapland which don’t have the greatest coverage. And the 97% figure is 4g, 3g has better coverage.

    The Northern part of Finland is very sparsely populated and people like internet and cables are very labour-intensive compared to setting up mobile network towers.

    But yeah, compared to the US, we’re not really that sizable. We’re like the size of Montana or so, and they’ve around a fifth of our population.

    tldr Yeah, it is about the size, but also, with Nokia and so on, we’ve sort of quite a lot of good know-how on building wireless networks. We’re the most sparsely populated country in the EU, but I think there’s quite a lot of Spain where there’s much worse coverage.

  • And it’s not like you can just go and every fourth will be speaking English fluently

    And it’s not like only 13% of Italians speak English. 13% of them identify as having a certain level of skill in English.

    There’s a massive difference in having enough of a language to communicate basic things to customers in service jobs and being fluent. When I was working in taxi dispatch, some 15 years ago, we had a few 60-70 year old women who would say they don’t speak a lick of English. Yet because they know their job and the interactions and have common sense and live in a world where you can’t really avoid being exposed to English, they would manage basic level orders, but they preferred saying just “moment” and transferring the call to me or someone else who spoke English better.

    The point here being that even on the telephone, these non-English speaking service workers managed to handle basic things in English.

    Now think about the fact that for Italy, tourism brings in about 10% of their GDP.

    If you think there’s a cafe you can go to in Italy where you won’t be served a coffee when you say “I’d like one coffee please”, please let me know.

    The requirement for this “hilarious” joke, especially if we take OP’s greentexted version isn’t fluency in English. It’s about communication on a Swedish ferry. And they’re not really Swedish as much as Finnish&Swedish.

    I live at the Finnish end of the trip, in Turku. I’ve been on these specific boats (yes, the one in the picture as well) several times.

    First off, the dude wouldn’t be able to find staff like that, he’d literally have to walk several decks to the nearest employee in all likelyhood, unless this is happening right when they’re getting to the harbour.

    Secondly, the nearest employees would probably not be native Swedish speakers, as the cleaners who come to clean the cabins in the harbour are mostly immigrants, as it’s not a very respected job.

    Thirdly, if he wasn’t in harbour, he’d be speaking to the actual crew, who literally have to be able to speak English as a part of their job requirement. (I’ve read Viking Line’s wanted ads.) Not only that, they strongly prefer you to be able to speak all three; English, Finnish and Swedish.

    What kind of a fucking caveman would one have to be to not even try to speak English before dragging someone into their cabin to show a shit to them. Which would be very hard, given that the crew aren’t cleaners and they wouldn’t follow you several decks down to see your shit, all in utter silence while you refuse to even attempt communication, despite the member of crew definitely saying something like “what can I help you with”.

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksTitta...
    24 days ago

    I wouldn’t really stress the “a lot” there, really.

    You won’t have to go far to find an English speaking country in Europe as there are over 370 million English speakers out of about 450 million EU residents!

    Granted that is the EU, not Europe in general, but it’s also people in general, of all ages, and not adult people who work a service job. Sure, in some backwater Russian town that is technically in Europe you might have a problem with getting understood in English, but “problem” is “Проблема” in Russian. And that reads as “problema”. “Toilet” is “Туалет” = “tualet”.

    So I really can’t imagine a scenario in which you can’t communicate “a problem with the toilet” without dragging someone in to the loo and shoving their face in your pile.

  • One question.

    Even if rich people gave away things they’ve stolen under the threat of a beating (which they don’t), how would the people who “got their swindled properties back” know who it is who blackmailed the rich guy, so they could come and give food.

    This sounds like a poorly written teenagers daydream more than anything else, tbf.

    But to the person who made it up, cheers, keep doing that and you’ll improve.