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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I feel like that’s the same underlying issue: The requirements are not understood upfront.

    Actually on most of these failed projects the requirements of the original customer were pretty clear. But the developers tried to go far beyond those original requirements. It is fair to say that the future requirements were not well understood.

    the alternative is building a prototype, which you’re allowed to throw away afterwards

    Lol I’ve done many prototypes. The problem is that management sees them and says “oh, so we’re finished with the project already? Yay!”

  • I used to be a mobile app developer but I literally retired because my company went to an open floor plan arrangement with no offices at all (let alone doors for them) or even cubicles. You didn’t even have your own desk, you just sat at any empty desk when you came in in the morning. The uselessness of the back-to-the-office movement is obvious enough when compared to working from home, but it’s really even worse than useless when you can’t get a quiet, undisturbed environment to do your work in.

  • It doesn’t much matter how accurate your calorie estimates are. If you estimate that your daily caloric requirement is 2500 and you’re eating 2000 calories a day, then you should be losing about one pound a week (1 pound of fat = 3500 calories). If you find instead that your weight is remaining constant, then either your caloric requirement estimate or your caloric intake estimate is wrong (or both are). In either case, your only option is to eat even less, per your measurements.

  • I (white boy) visited India in the early '90s and brought back a bunch of rolls of half-Rupee coins as souvenirs. Turns out they were the exact same weight and diameter as US quarters (even down to the number of ridges, which makes me suspect India bought a bunch of used US minting machines to make them), so I started using them at laundromats. The exchange rate at the time was 35 Rs to the dollar, so a load in the US that normally cost $1 was costing me less than 6 cents. I do feel bad for the harassment that actual Indian customers probably ended up receiving, although possibly the owners never noticed or cared.

  • I had a coworker who did exactly this back in the '90s. He was an expert in a really obscure programming/database platform/language from the 1970s (called “Cyborg”) that only had a few people left that knew anything about it. It took literally hours to compile even the tiniest code changes so his job mostly involved sitting around doing nothing waiting for the compiler to finish. He managed to eventually get a WFH situation (with dialup lol) that paid him $300 an hour, then went out and got two other similar WFH jobs that paid the same since his actual work load was just a few minutes per day for each. $900 an hour in the 1990s.

  • they are stronger than real sugar

    This is only true on a per-weight basis - which is why they use a lot less of it to obtain the same degree of sweetness.

    they make your intestines absorb more sugar since the sugar receptors get clogged trying to absorb the artificial stuff

    This is an amazing chunk of nonsense you should actually be congratulated for.

    That second one probably doesn’t affect you very much though

    Because it’s nonsense.

  • Round about 2005 I was at a Hooter’s with some friends and I noticed that their hottest wing sauce was named “911”. As a joke, when our waitress brought out our food I pointed to that on the menu and said that I was offended that Hooter’s would think to name a wing sauce after the attack on the Twin Towers, which I referred to as our “sacred tragedy”. I figured she would just laugh it off but instead she got wide-eyed and said “oh no no no no no” and ran off to bring over her manager. The guy came over to our table and apologized profusely, saying that it was named after 911 the emergency call number and not 9/11 the terrorist attack. He comped our entire meal (over $100) and gave me four $50 Hooter’s gift certificates as well. At this point I was afraid to say I’d just been kidding so I rolled with it. I still have those gift certificates somewhere - I didn’t avoid using them out of guilt, Hooter’s is just terrible food.