Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Tbf there is sort of a barrier to entry to text based websites or at least the comment section therein, it is a reasonable expectation that everyone reading the comment section can either read or TTS it or else they wouldn’t be here. It is not a reasonable assumption that everyone who is concerned about the privacy of automobiles has the use of their legs. While cars can be built in such a way that legs are not necessary, to my knowledge bicycles have yet to be unless we’re counting wheelchairs.

  • The only thing that would worry me is that he doesn’t have to love the FSB (used to be KGB), he just has to love not being thrown out of a window enough to comply with whatever they may wish, like oh say a Russian state owned Trojan not being detected by it or something. Not that they’re definitely doing that, but the possibility isn’t 0%.

    I mean it’s basically the same reason I don’t trust much of the US based proprietary software, just %s/FSB/CIA/g, the only real reason to trust one over the other is if you trust either agency more than the other IMO, otherwise distrust both.

  • Well yes, but that doesn’t affect people who plan to murder with them of course, the added time for doing it with a “machine gun” specifically is nothing compared to already getting life, the death penalty, shot by cops, or suicide at the end of their spree killing.

    Though no, guns are legal to print, the switch is defined as a machine gun by the ATF and that is illegal without the proper licensure. You can print a glock no problem, but you can’t sell it or make it full auto.

    Most guns used in crimes were indeed initially purchased legally, but then stolen or sold illegally through a process called “straw purchasing.” The ATF reports avg “time to crime” (from buying in-store until found at a crime scene) of guns they find is 11 years and the overwhelming majority were straw purchased. Now, it’s important to note that this isn’t to say that most guns bought have 11yr before a crime happens, rather that most guns involved in crime (which is a fraction of a percent of all guns sold/owned) took 11yr to get there.

  • Wanna guess which it was?

    Reagan Youth?

    In U.S., A's for apathy
    Not bullshit democracy
    Red white and blue is all you see
    But does it mean you're really free?
    In U.S., A's for anarchy
    Not bullshit democracy
    I want total liberty
    I want peace and anarchy
    They tell us how to act and be
    Fuck that mental slavery
    With standards and authority
    How can you think you're really free?
    Be proud that you're a white Amerikkkan 
    Blonde hair, blue eyes - a fine new aryan 
    Supremacy's the white man's burden
    A final solution for the new aryans 
    Death to the nazis and the ku klux klan!
    Anarchy in the fatherland!
    Anarchy for the new aryans
    No master race is gonna rule this land!
    New order?
    No order!
    New order?
    No order!
    Disorder now!

  • The way it gets an audience is through adoption by some “larger” people, like but not limited to snowden.

    Those people start mirroring their twitter on masto, and eventually start mirroring masto on the twitter, then the next time there’s a musk fit they have a place to go ready and can post “due to the actions of this site’s owner, this profile will cease posting. If you wish to continue following me I’ll still be posting on masto.”

    People don’t switch now because Ryan Reynolds isn’t on masto yet and what he says is paramount to their survival, once he switches they safely can. (Disclaimer: the use of Ryan Reynolds is purely sardonic, could have used Taylor Swift or whatever hot star of the day you choose.)

  • Tbf that’s more of an apple fanboy thing (though apple created, encouraged, and exploited that as an advertising technique, it’s an extension of iPods and their “white headphone cord”).

    Basically apple cultists judge you as less than because you’re too poor to afford an iphone and use android instead.

    Apple is actually just a really good marketing company that hawks mediocre tech, not a mediocre tech company with a really good marketing team.

  • Price is indeed part of it. If I’m paying that much I’m getting repairable and upgradable hardware.

    I also hate their walled garden approach to everything. You can do X so long as apple has decided to allow you to do X. Things like no sideloading, no repair/upgradability, etc. I love Framework for instance and would like to see more stuff like it in the future.

    And before you ask, yes I hate the other companies that do it too, they don’t get a pass but we’re talking apple right now.

    As far as privacy goes, they’re better than windows imo but not by much and it’s only because windows is so bad, they still harvest your data but they target the ads instead of selling the data so others can target the ads. That is “better.” I guess. I still prefer linux which doesn’t even want your data (except anonymized bug reports if you opt in).