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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Depends on the size of data, use case like will you be doing any constant updates to it or just reading, you mentioned you have several files so do you need joins if so what will be an approx max number of joins you’ll be doing on per query basis, I guess you said CSV so I’m assuming it is structured data and not semi structured or unstructured.

    Few more questions, do you need a fast indexing but are not planning on doing any complex operations, areyoiu going to do a lot of OLTP operations and you need ACID. Or are you going OLAP route. are you planning on distributed database if so then which 2 do you want from CAP, do you want batch processing or stream processing,

    I’ve few dozen other questions also

  • If only this was that simple. A “Democratic country” doesn’t just wake up one day vote for a bad guy and become fascist. This has been happening all over the world for last few decades. All the past politician created few policies out of fear, out of ignorance, out of greed, and out of malice that edged us towards this. And now most of the people have accepted this blatant abuse of our freedom, our privacy, our democracy as just part of life. There is nothing that anyone can do to stop this. Because we don’t bother reading EULA because we don’t demand the companies the governments to do better we just sign away our rights our freedom because we have better things to do.