For a certified maniac there’s also one bump of a brush with 100% hardness and using gradient tool, radial, with no actual gradations.
And if you are feeling like killing a school bus of puppies, you can put a coin or a mug to the screen with one hand while drawing around it with the other, using a live mouse, biting you, as you move it and hallucinate the formation of the ideal circular form.
No, most of the times for shapes in Photoshop you’d use the shape tool, which can generate them in raster, or better, as paths, allowing you to modify them later non-destructively.
Isn’t that how you do that in Photoshop?
For a certified maniac there’s also one bump of a brush with 100% hardness and using gradient tool, radial, with no actual gradations.
And if you are feeling like killing a school bus of puppies, you can put a coin or a mug to the screen with one hand while drawing around it with the other, using a live mouse, biting you, as you move it and hallucinate the formation of the ideal circular form.
No, most of the times for shapes in Photoshop you’d use the shape tool, which can generate them in raster, or better, as paths, allowing you to modify them later non-destructively.