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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • dehumanizing people by stating they have no value is pro-kindness. News to me.

    What? Quote me where I did that. I did not do that.

    No, still think you are wrong. Have you heard black folk talk to each other, do they feel bad?

    Wow, the “but they use that word!” argument. Context is important. Just like retard in music just means to slow down, how, when, and who uses words can change things.

    I know someone who would have been described as retarded in the past. I asked him, he doesn’t mind, he doubts any sane person with his disability would mind.

    Also, the “but I have a ___ friend” argument. Hitting all of the classics right now, aren’t you? One person does not make rule. I’ve heard from others that they don’t appreciate it.

    So stop being retarded yourself and stop advocating for groups you are not a part of that don’t want none of your screeching.

    Nice insults. Good argument. Which one of us is “screeching?”

    I’ll advocate for every group. All people are valuable

    Coming into this instance, and stinking up the place. Other admins would have defederated, good thing we have a great admin.
    (yes, hyperbole)

    Other admins would have defederated from what? All other instances? I’m from a pretty small technology focused instance. You think your admin should defederated from us? Why? Because you don’t like one person who’s trying to get you to be a better person? Doesn’t that seem a but much? Are you OK? You can talk about whatever’s bothering you.

  • Yeah, both have pros and cons. I have Steam installed through pacman and flatpak also. For me I have the Flatpak version because it contains its own version of glibc. This mostly doesn’t matter, except I play Squad and it’s doing something with it’s anti-cheat that isn’t supported in the most recent versions of glibc, so I use the Flatpak version for Squad only.

    Flatpak is essentially a more controlled environment. It will contain everything it needs to work, which is good for ensuring it works but bad because you’ll have duplicates. It mostly doesn’t matter which you use, but occasionally it does.

  • Cethin@lemmy.ziptoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon interviews for a job
    22 days ago

    I think I have heard enough. Careful you might be a case for /c/meanwhileongrad

    I’m anti-authoritarianism, so no I don’t fit there. Sorry. I’m just pro-kindness.

    If you truly think I have to listen to you you’re more delusional than I thought.

    Where did I imply you have to listen to me? I’m pretty sure I explicitly said to make a choice for yourself. I just also said you can choose kindness and empathy, or you can choose selfishness because you are mad about change.

    I believe in IDIC. Just because I don’t understand the way you think doesn’t mean you aren’t valuable.

    Good. People will assume you don’t think they’re valuable if you use their condition as an insult though. They’ll assume that you think they’re lesser, because you’re saying being who they are is a bad thing. You understand how that could feel bad, right?

  • Niger is the Latin word for black (not to be confused with the unrelated niger, as in the nation, which is not Latin in origin). We had stopped using it in English for anything but to (negatively) refer to black people. It didn’t have any use except as a negative one.

    The same thing is true for the r-word, outside of specific contexts like music where to retard is to slow, as from Latin. Using them in the context of music or medicine is fine (which retard isn’t used for a medical condition anymore, but when things slow I belive the term is still used, because Latin). Using it to refer to a person or thing a person does is not. That term is only used negatively, which implies neuro-divergent people are bad.

    Yellow can be bad also. If you’re referring to someone in a negative racist way as yellow, that’s not accepted in society, and I don’t think you’d disagree. You can still refer to the color, but to use it as an insult it’s not good.

    We aren’t losing words. If they had any use outside of an insult, they still almost always still have those uses. We gain more words to better refer to people of these groups without insulting them though. Language evolves. Some words leave fashion and new ones come into fashion. I don’t think we need to be worried about “losing” words where we have perfectly good alternatives to use instead.

  • Cethin@lemmy.ziptoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon interviews for a job
    23 days ago

    I quoted exactly what I was referring to from your comment…

    Also, you’re one to talk. How about trying to not use ad hominems to try to dismiss someone’s arguments just because you don’t want to listen. If you have an issue understanding something, you can ask. I didn’t say anything particularly complex though.

    How is attempting to be polite radical? I’m not arguing I’m not “radicalized” (I pretty much am, and that’s not an insult), but this isn’t.

  • Cethin@lemmy.ziptoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon interviews for a job
    23 days ago

    I am sure as an enjoyer of c/greentext you can appreciate the comedic value of such an unmoderated cesspool.

    As someone who used 4chan a very long time ago, I appreciate the comedic value in how much of a cesspit it is, not because the people there are valuable. I spent a while there seeing death threads (threads of video/images of people dying) and all kinds of other messed up things. Do I assume those things are good things for people to see though? Absolutely not.

    Every word we give up to whoever “uses it wrong” gives them power. I am not going to do that.

    First, we aren’t “losing” words because language changes. We gain many more instead.

    Second, who’s “them” that are gaining power. You seem to have an imaginary enemy you’re fighting. I can promise you you’ll lose because “they” aren’t real. No one is trying to control you. They’re only trying to keep you from harming other people. “They” also tell you not to assault people and you listen (I assume) despite it forcing you into a position you didn’t choose yourself.

    Being an asshole isn’t something to be proud of just because you’re sticking it to some made up enemy. You’re choosing to let a made up enemy control you instead by fighting against them instead of making choices for yourself.

  • Cethin@lemmy.ziptoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon interviews for a job
    23 days ago

    If you are that worked up about words you must lead a pretty good life.

    I do, as I’m assuming all of us here mostly do, as we have access to electricity, computers, and the internet. I’m not worked up about it though. I’m trying to explain how something used in the past doesn’t justify it being used in the present. I’m also trying to get you to empathize with other people. You’re upset and don’t like being upset. Great. Now apply that to the words you’re using. See how they could upset others, and how others probably don’t like being upset either.

    I think I have used the Internet for too long to get upset about getting slurs hurled at me online. People are much more vile when cloaked by the anonymity of their keyboard. It’s been like that since Usenet and BBSs. That’s human nature. You’re free to not interact.
    But trying to police stuff you don’t like just because “is enforcing your beliefs”. Nobody will be harmed by edgy comments under a post about 4chan. Not everyone is out to get you and needs to be canceled.

    I’m equally free to interact. You won’t be harmed by me informing you how others may not appreciate the way you speak. You are free to be racist online and spread hate speech. Probably no one is going to be able to stop you if that’s your desire. That would foster a bad community and may cause actual harm to people though, so we all recognize that it’s wrong.

    Now, when we recognize other marginalized people are also harmed by other language, we have two choices. We can choose to improve ourselves, or we can blame society for not being like it used to be. Racists chose the latter and are looked down on. Hopefully we can all continue to choose the the former as we grow in life. Just because we used to do things one way doesn’t mean that was good, and having done bad things in the past doesn’t make us bad. It’s what we choose in the present that matters. Now, go forward in life and make your choices. I can’t choose for you.

  • Cethin@lemmy.ziptoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon interviews for a job
    23 days ago

    Who the hell is getting “disappeared?” Fascists use violence and force to enforce their beliefs. The also appealed to a mythos to support their idiology.


    I think 13 is particularly relevant here: “Disdain for intellectuals and the arts not aligned with the fascist narrative.” It is the people saying treating people kindly who are being attacked by Fascists. They tell people that the “woke left is attacking us and making us change” as a means to dismiss things trying to create change to better care for all people.

    Sure. I still don’t like it when people tell me how to speak my mind.

    Fine. Most people don’t like being told what they’re doing is wrong. Those in favor of slavery and white supremacy get (or got) upset when asked to change as well. That doesn’t make it acceptable.

    If I start insulting you or using slurs against you, I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate it. You are more upset at being told that you may upset others than actually willing to change to not hurt others. You don’t want to be told you’re insulting people because it’s insulting to you. Do you see the issue? If you’re hurt by being told not to hurt other people, maybe it’s your actions that are the issue. Hypocracy isn’t valorant.

  • I’m sorry to hear about your situation. It sucks the some systems aren’t supported. It’s very rare, but I guess you may be in that small group. I’d bet some people could help you make it work, but it may require extra effort. The great thing about Linux is you can make almost anything work if you put in the effort, but if the tools aren’t already made that’d mean doing it yourself, which probably isn’t an option.

    I’m not trying to say Linux is right for you, but Windows does not care about you either. They are leaving everyone behind if they don’t follow along. I wish you good luck and good health!

  • Where did I say Linux doesn’t have flaws. You’re just here arguing that it can’t be useful to a person who is already clearly technically savvy because you have some issue with it or something. You needed to come here and argue with me that it isn’t perfect for literally every person because I brought it up as an alternative for someone who is clearly capable of learning it.

    Everything has flaws, and that’s especially true for large projects, like Linux, Windows, or Mac. The difference is that with Linux you don’t need to fight it with things like the OP had to do where they disabled updates, presumably through registry edits.

    Some people talk about people recommending Linux are loud (it’s FOSS and we’re on a FOSS platform, so it’s appropriate), but the fact some people just have to come and say “it isn’t perfect, so you can’t recommend it” is insane.